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Practice Areas

Probate & Estate Administration

Probate & Estate Administration

Everyone is scared of the word "probate," but very few people actually know what it means.  Probate can have different meanings from state to state.  In North Carolina, probate is the legal process of either carrying out the desires of a loved one with a will, called testacy, or collecting and disbursing the assets of a decedent without a will, called intestacy.  There are several different methods of probating an estate, and knowing which one to use can save the estate, and therefore the heirs, a lot of expense, time and frustration, if probate is actually needed at all.  Charting the course forward after the death of a loved one can only be determined after ascertaining the assets owned by the decedent, usually after consultation with an attorney.  


Contact Hampstead Attorney Adam Barrington TODAY at 910-421-0421 to determine how to best proceed after someone you loves dies.

old woman crying with a tissue gazing of

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Barrington Law

Office Hours:





By Appointment


Barrington Law is a branch office of

Armstrong & Barrington PLLC.

© 2025 by Barrington Law and

Armstrong & Barrington PLLC

Barrington Law is located beside Harris-Teeter at Surf City Crossing.



201 Alston Blvd, Suite A

Hampstead, NC 28443


Phone: 910-421-0421

Fax: 910-803-0061

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